Legacy Data
Real-time Data
Legacy Data Real-Time Data

Instantly Expand Your Seismic Network

Improve station density by integrating our real-time streaming services via the CAPS or SeedLink protocols.

Instantly Expand Your Seismic Network

Improve station density by integrating our real-time streaming services via the CAPS or SeedLink protocols.

Tap into a global network of over 2000 seismic stations

Instantly densify your own network with live streaming of Shakes specific to your area of interest

Fast integration with no installation necessary

Save thousands on costs usually incurred when operating or expanding your network

Fully compatible automated processing systems

Raspberry Shakes use the same data acquisition and metadata protocols you do


We stream real-time to your servers via the CAPS protocol to SeisComP using SeisComP’s caps2sl plugin, which is distributed in SeisComP4.

We can also support non-SeisComP systems like AQMS, Antelope, Earthworm and HYDRA using the SeedLink protocol.


We can also support non-SeisComP systems like AQMS, Antelope, Earthworm and HYDRA using the SeedLink protocol.

We stream real-time to your servers via the CAPS protocol to SeisComP using SeisComP’s caps2sl plugin, which is distributed in SeisComP4.

Integrate Your Platform Seamlessly with Real-Time Streaming Services

Choose your data stream

Explore our global seismic network interactive map for stations of interest.

Contact us for a quote

Our sales team will take you through the costs and everything you need to know

Get started

We will provide you with all the details to start streaming your selected channels directly into your servers

 Peer Reviewed Literature

See how Shake streaming services are already being used

Citizen seismology helps decipher the 2021 Haiti earthquake

A network of citizen seismometers installed in 2019 provided near-field data critical to rapidly understand the mechanism of the mainshock and monitor its aftershock sequence.

Do Low-Cost Seismographs Perform Well Enough for Your Network?

Earthquake early warning systems and other monitoring networks would also benefit from network densification; however, current nodal sensors lack power systems or the real-time data transmission required for these applications.

Monitoring Icequakes in East Antarctica with the Raspberry Shake

We evaluate the performance of the low‐cost seismic sensor Raspberry Shake (RS) to identify and monitor icequakes (which occur when glacial ice experiences brittle deformation) in extreme environments.