
What’s shaking at Yale? A Raspberry Shake has some answers

“Yet, teaching the concepts of seismology in Earth science classrooms can be difficult. Seismic waves propagating through Earth are invisible.”

The Unheard Symphony of the Planet

“Using a tiny device called a Raspberry Shake, people around the world are tuning in to the earth’s vibrations. Since 2016, helped to make seismology more accessible to the public.”

Citizen science for studying earthquakes

“The RS network in Haiti demonstrates that these class C sensors can improve earthquake data catalogs that serve as inputs for aftershock forecasting.”

Tens of thousands of dancing fans at Taylor Swift’s Dublin Eras Tour gigs could trigger ‘seismic activity’

Dancing by tens of thousands of Taylor Swift fans in Dublin this weekend could potentially lead to seismic activity being registered like at some of her previous Eras Tour shows, a researcher has said. Last weekend, the British Geological Survey (BGS) said that 73,000 fans at Swift’s show in Murrayfield in Scotland led to earthquake monitors 3.7 miles away registering seismic activity.”

Small Donegal earthquake confirmed by officials

“Officials have confirmed a small tremor took place in County Donegal after a teacher recorded seismic activity on his school’s equipment. Brendan O’Donoghue teaches physics at St Columba’s College, which is part of the worldwide Seismology in Schools project.”

New Programme Encourages People to Get Involved in Monitoring Earthquakes

Seismology is the study of earthquakes and seismic waves that move through and around the Earth. This new outreach programme is calling on people of all ages across Ireland to get involved in observing and studying local and global earthquakes – helping them to develop a better understanding of what lies beneath the Earth’s surface.

Watch the earth move with Raspberry Shake

“Raspberry Shake was created on the slopes of Volcán Barú in Panama, thanks in large part to the support of seismology geeks on Kickstarter. The aim was to sell around 20 Raspberry Pi-powered devices to people they knew in the industry, but within a few days of the funding campaign’s launch, hundreds of Raspberry Pi enthusiasts and people wanting to detect earthquakes from home had jumped on board.”

Nanook Noise Rumbles Fairbanks

“Let’s make some NOOOOOOISE!” the announcer called to the crowd. The Alaska Earthquake Center was one of the stars of Friday’s “Research at the Rink” Nanook Hockey game at the Carlson Center, for the first demonstration in Alaska that seismometers can register the activity of a stadium full of fans.”

Hidden Gems: Meet Branden Christensen of Raspberry Shake

“Raspberry Shake brings the joy of science and technology to the people, empowering them to collaborate across borders and be their independent source of earthquake information.”

Surviving earthquakes

“Earthquakes strike suddenly, leaving death and destruction in their wake. But around the world, people are trying to do what they can to make them less deadly.”

AuSIS unleashing the power of seismology in remote communities

“The Australian Seismometers in Schools Program (AuSIS) has embarked on an eventful outreach season, leaving a lasting impact on students across the country.”

Detect Quakes With “Raspberry Shakes” Raspberry Pi–based seismometers can supplement existing networks

I have only once felt an earthquake—in 1985, when a magnitude-4 temblor occurred just north of New York City.”

Detect earthquakes near you using the Raspberry Shake seismograph

“From the faintest tremors that elude human senses to the most devastating seismic events, the Raspberry Shake captures it all.”

Integrating Natural Disaster Detection Sensors into a Smart Home

“Integrating natural disaster detection systems and sensors into a smart home can provide added safety for the homeowners and their family.”

Seismology with Raspberry Shake

“There’s two primary data streams you can get from Raspberry Shake, depending on the model. One of them is for measuring Earth’s motion. That could be an earthquake, but it could be a person walking, so it spans a wide spectrum.”

Felt Reports Could Shake Up Earthquake Response

“When Earth trembles, the Internet lights up. People reach for their phones to search for information and to tell others what they’ve experienced.”

Shake Challenge Symposium 2023: Engaging Rural Alaska’s Future STEM Innovators

“Four Chevak high school students demonstrated their seismic alert system, the pinnacle of their Shake Challenge Symposium presentation.”

Raspberry Shake Brings Seismology to the Masses

“But it’s not just for scientists and seismologists. The Raspberry Shake community is made up of people from all walks of life who are passionate about understanding the Earth and its movements.”

High School Students Explore Life as a Seismologist

“Pasadena and Alhambra high school sophomores and juniors are delving into earthquake science as part of the Seismological Laboratory’s new Caltech Earthquake Fellows program.”

Frequently Asked Questions about earthquakes in American Samoa

“What is happening in American Samoa? The exact number of earthquakes is unknown. There are six small and four large seismometers recording the earthquakes.”

Reducing disaster risk in Papua New Guinea

How strengthening the capacity and capabilities of local communities is mitigating against impact from natural hazards.

Mini seismometers in schools aim to help students learn while gathering valuable earthquake data

More schools on Vancouver Island could soon be getting miniature seismometers that will help students learn about tectonics and also help communities better prepare for earthquakes.

Watching the Earth move with a Raspberry Pi

A few months ago, someone from the Raspberry Shake team got in touch, and asked if I’d like to try out a Shake at my home.

Mines Student Calculates Depth of the Earth’s Crust with “Raspberry Shake” Data at Underground Lab

“The Earth is in constant motion, and plate tectonics and volcanism produce a continuous hum of earthquakes around the planet every hour of every day. “

Alaskan students monitor earthquake activity with new devices

“ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) – A new program is bringing seismometer devices to Alaskan schools to teach students about earthquakes.”

Community Science Builds a Seismic Network in Haiti

“Small, inexpensive seismometers are capable of sharing high-quality data in real time—and were put to the test during an August 2021 earthquake.”

Haiti earthquake captured by citizen-seismologists

“Haiti’s national seismometer network was down during the 2021 magnitude-7.2 earthquake, but a collection of low-cost citizen-hosted seismometers filled in.”

UAF student gets K-12 classrooms jumping with seismology project

“In Quinhagak, a village nearly 600 miles from Fairbanks in Southwest Alaska, a small seismometer sits on a corner counter in the classroom of Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat science teacher EJ Dorsey.”

When a seismic network failed, citizen science stepped in

“One of the Raspberry Shakes installed in 2019 happened to be sited about 21 kilometers from the epicenter, with two more citizen stations near enough to detect the quake.”

Citizen Seismologists Track Haiti’s Earthquakes

“A Raspberry Shake seismometer, which can measure minute ground movements, although over a smaller range of frequencies than conventional seismometers can.”

Making the shaking count — high schoolers in Puerto Rico set up earthquake alerts with Raspberry Shake

“After a strong earthquake struck Puerto Rico in 2020, a group of students quickly designed, programmed and installed a small seismic network to record aftershocks.”

Home seismometers provide crucial data on Haiti’s quake

“A network of inexpensive seismometers, installed in people’s living rooms, gardens and workplaces across Haiti, is helping scientists to unravel the inner workings of the magnitude-7.2 earthquake that devastated the southwestern part of the Caribbean nation this month.”

College students shine in CRISiSLab Challenge 2021

“The competition challenged students to actively work with a ground motion detection sensor called Raspberry Shake. Through the ten-week challenge, the students worked with data captured by their sensors and used the data to create alerts upon reaching certain thresholds. “

Another large earthquake strikes the southern Philippines

“The growing number of individually owned seismometers in the Philippines is part of a global network of publicly available, low-cost but professional-grade seismometers deployed all over the world by enthusiasts and private groups.”

Raspberry Shake & Boom

“Did you feel the earth move under your feet? It might have been a tremor. To investigate further, you can measure seismic activity with a Raspberry Shake device.” (Article on Pg 38-39)

Latest Philippine earthquake reveals tectonic complexity

“The magnitude-6.6 earthquake that struck Luzon, Philippines, on July 24 showcases the benefits of citizen science and serves as a wakeup call.”

Earthquake Early Warning Begins at Home

“Neil elaborates his new experiences as a citizen scientist who is using a low-cost seismometer for a home-based ground motion detection project.”

What is Raspberry Shake?

“Now, both public and private organizations are using these devices to improve earthquake monitoring in areas where traditional seismographs are not installed.”

Can We Track Elephants With Earthquake Detectors?

“Low-cost seismometers could give rural communities an alert system, or begin to decipher elephant communication.”

Students Monitor Campus Noise in Seismic Silence

“Researchers are engaging their students with low-cost seismology research to monitor local noise on campus.”

As the world quieted down in 2020, Raspberry Shakes listened

“Raspberry Shakes, on the other hand, have basic versions of the same components at a fraction of the price. A Raspberry Shake circuit board costs as little as $100, and it plugs into almost any ethernet or wireless-enabled Raspberry Pi.”

Premio Nacional a la Innovación Empresarial 2020, Segundo Lugar

“El segundo lugar del Premio Nacional a la Innovación Empresarial 2020, lo obtuvo la empresa RASPBERRY SHAKE, S.A., con su proyecto “Red Sismológica de Ciudadanos Científicos de Raspberry Shake.”

Trayendo la Educación Sobre Terremotos a las Escuelas de Nepal

“La primera tarea fue seleccionar el mejor sismógrafo para el proyecto. Necesitaban un modelo de bajo costo, que requiriera poco mantenimiento y fácil de usar, que al mismo tiempo permitiera recolectar datos útiles de sismos para la red.”

Coronavirus Lockdowns Cause Worldwide Drop In Human-Made Noise

“The study also included data collected by “citizen scientists” using home-based seismometers. The results are published in the journal Science as an open-access paper.”

During Lockdowns, the Earth (Sort of) Stood Still

“But for the past few years, citizen scientists have been collecting signals thanks to a clever little device called the Raspberry Shake, a Raspberry Pi computer outfitted with sensors to create an internet-connected seismometer.”

Lockdown was the longest period of quiet in recorded human history

“But about 40% of the data also came from Raspberry Shakes, personal seismographs that are built and used by hobbyists. “

Citizen Science At Heart Of New Study Showing COVID-19 Seismic Noise Reduction

“Research published in the journal Science, using a mix of professional and Raspberry Shake citizen seismic data, finds that lockdown measures to slow the spread of the virus COVID-19 reduced seismic noise by 50% worldwide.”

HVO looking to install seismographs in your community

“Wouldn’t it be nice to have a personal seismograph nearby that you could check to see what the ground was doing? This could help you determine if you really did feel that earthquake.”

Earthquake Sensors Record Unprecedented Drop In Human Activity Due To Pandemic

“The shutdown effect registered by seismometers is akin to that typically seen in the middle of the night and during holiday periods, only this one lasted from March to May and encompassed almost every corner of the planet “

With Covid-19, a Seismic Quiet Like No Other

“Coronavirus shutdowns led to “the longest and most coherent global seismic noise reduction in recorded history,” scientists report.”

The Seismic Hush of the Coronavirus

“Scientists are listening for faint natural signals during the quiet of coronavirus lockdowns.”

Coronavirus lockdowns reduced human ‘rumble’

“The group obtained their motion data from a global network of 268 seismic stations in 117 countries. Many of the stations were citizen science efforts incorporating Raspberry-Pi mini-computers.”

Coronavirus lockdown reduced seismic activity around the world – new study

“Seismic activity doesn’t just come from earthquakes, volcanoes and landslides. Everyday human activity also gives rise to vibrations that travel through the ground as seismic waves, something we call “anthropogenic noise”.”

COVID-19 lockdown caused 50% global reduction in human-linked Earth vibrations

“Citizen-owned seismometers, which tend to measure more localised noise, noted large drops around universities and schools around Cornwall, UK and Boston, U.S.—a drop in noise 20 percent larger than seen during school holidays.”

Even the Earth went quiet during the coronavirus lockdowns

“Kafka said the quieting of the Earth was noticeable on the sophisticated instruments at Weston Observatory, but even more dramatic at two inexpensive seismometers known as Raspberry Shakes set up in buildings at the Boston College campus.”

Corona-Sperren bringen seismische Ruhe auf der Erde – und Forschern neue Daten

“40 Prozent der Daten aber lieferten Raspberry Shakes – persönliche Seismographen, die von Amateuren gebaut und genutzt werden. Hinzu kamen anonymisierte Mobilitätsdaten von Google und Apple, mit denen menschliche Bewegungen erkannt wurden. “

It’s oh so quiet – lockdown sees worldwide drop in seismic noise

“Using data recorded on ‘citizen seismometers’, Dr Cornwell calculated variations in seismic noise levels in locations around the world, including across Scotland, that coincided with different local lockdown periods. “

During lockdown we were light on Earth

“Citizen-owned seismometers, which measure more localised noise, noted drops around universities and schools in Cornwall, UK, and Boston, US, that were 20% greater than during school holidays.”

COVID-19 lockdown caused 50 percent global reduction in human-linked Earth vibrations

“The lack of human activity during lockdown caused human-linked vibrations in the Earth to drop by an average of 50% between March and May 2020.”

The coronavirus-induced anthropause is now visible in seismic vibrations

“…even using some citizen seismometer stations such as Raspberry Shakes. Technology such as the Raspberry Pi (a credit-card sized computer, which the Raspberry Shake is also based on) has opened up a new world of scientific projects, including seismic research.”

Coronavirus: Global quiet as human-generated noise drops by 50 per cent under lockdown

“A citizen seismometer, known as Raspberry Shake, which scientists used to measure localised seismic noise”

Seismic Background Noise Drastically Reduced Due To COVID-19 Lockdown Measures

“Global COVID-19 “lockdown” measures… resulted in a months-long reduction in global seismic noise by up to 50%, representing the longest and most prominent global seismic noise reduction in recorded history.”

COVID-19 Lockdown Caused 50% Global Reduction In Human-Linked Earth Vibrations

“Citizen-owned seismometers, which tend to measure more localised noise, noted large drops around universities and schools around Cornwall, UK and Boston, USA – a drop in noise 20 per cent larger than seen during school holidays.

RaspberryShake Personal Seismometers used for Bridging Local Outreach and Seismic Signal Monitoring (BLOSSM)

“The Oklahoma Geological Survey monitors seismic activity throughout the state of Oklahoma and near the state border in neighboring states. To accomplish this, we need seismometers…”

Monitoring African Elephants with Raspberry Shake & Boom

“A team of researchers has used low-cost devices to record footsteps and vocalizations from African elephants in the field.”

15 Best Raspberry Pi 4 Projects You Can Build

“In the last few months, we saw several advanced projects being done on Raspberry Pi 4 and it didn’t break a sweat. Some of the projects were also featured on The MagPi– Raspberry’s official magazine.”

Barcelona Finally Has Its First “Educational Seismic Network”

“…the Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera of the CSIC (ICTJA-CSIC) have installed 12 seismic stations in several secondary schools located in Barcelona…”

T3 Alliance: Turning a Crisis into an Educational Opportunity

“During the six weeks Upward Bound summer program at the University of Hawaii Hilo, 17 T3 Alliance students from high schools around the island designed and installed an air quality detection system for the residents of East Hawaii.”

“Seismometer stations, which are normally used to record earthquakes, have detected a big fall in the ground vibrations linked to human activity.”

“The Seismology at School in Nepal program aims to prepare rural communities for the next big earthquake.”

“La falta de movimiento causada por la cuarentena permite sentir miniseísmos antes imperceptibles.”

Michigan Stadium seismometer captures eerie quiet during pandemic

“U of M seismometers record drop in noise levels during COVID-19 pandemic.”

“Geoscientists are getting a clearer picture of what’s going on beneath our feet as lockdowns keep many of us at home.”

Worldwide Shutdown Leads to Visible, Positive Environmental Impacts

“The worldwide impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic seem endless. But geologists and those in atmospheric science say the Earth is already seeing positive, visible impacts due to our world pretty much shutting down.”

The coronavirus pandemic is making Earth shake less

“Global containment measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus have seemingly made the world much quieter. Scientists are noticing it, too.”

The Pandemic Is Turning the Natural World Upside Down

“From inside her living room in London, Paula Koelemeijer can feel the world around her growing quieter. Koelemeijer, a seismologist, has a miniature seismometer sitting on a concrete slab at the base of her first-floor fireplace.”

Build a seismograph with Raspberry Shake

“We love Raspberry Shake here at The MagPi. This geology project kit uses a powerful geophone sensor attached to a Raspberry Pi to detect earth tremors.”

MBARI engineers develop a new low-cost way to connect deep-sea instruments

“Hoping to attract new users to MBARI’s MARS undersea observatory, MBARI engineers Craig Dawe and David French recently developed a wireless device called Deep-Sea Connect, a relatively inexpensive system for supplying data and power to instruments in the deep sea.”

At Work: Alan Kafka

“Kafka and his colleagues are now working on a project using low-cost Raspberry Shake seismographs in collaboration with a community of students of all ages and citizen scientists to better monitor NEUS earthquakes.”

Hackathon in Vienna – IMGW Team

The Winner’s team created a prototype of the TraML, a system capable of detection and identification of railroad transport (such as trains and trams) utilizing publicly available ground motion (seismic vibrations) data of the Raspberry Shake network…”

A Personal Seismograph for Understanding the Earth and Our Environment

“Seismography is an ancient discipline that has evolved through the ages… Fast forward to today, we now have the possibility of owning a personal seismograph enabled by Raspberry Pi.”

Raspberry Shake makers seek teachers interested in using the project to teach science, technology, engineering and math to their students

“Makers of the Raspberry Shake, an inexpensive hardware-software package used globally to monitor seismic events, are looking to shake up classrooms.”

NASA scientist tells plans to conduct potentially ground-breaking research using a Raspberry Pi seismometer and a mini rover

“In the summer of 2018, engineers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory built a mini planetary rover with the aim of letting students, hobbyists, and enthusiasts create one for themselves.”

Monitoring Haiti’s Quakes with Raspberry Shake

“A network of ‘personal seismometers’ is intended to complement Haiti’s national seismic network to engage and inform residents about earthquake hazards and preparation.”

Seismometer in schools pilot launched in central Sulawesi

Oklahoma Geological Survey hopes to boost earthquake awareness

BGSU expert sees Northeast Ohio earthquake readings Monday

“The Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Geological Survey says a 4.0 magnitude earthquake is about the size that begins to get people’s attention, but luckily, shouldn’t cause much, if any, damage.”

VOLCANO WATCH: Students Use Science to Benefit Communities

“During the 2018 eruption of Kīlauea Volcano, when fissures erupted and lava flowed in the Lower East Rift Zone (LERZ), many Puna residents were displaced from their homes.”

Raspberry Pi helps geologists measure earthquakes and volcanoes

“On the slopes of a volcano in Panama, is a company making seismographs using Raspberry Pis. Called Raspberry Shakes, their performance is high enough for them to be connected to some international earthquake monitoring networks.”

How to improve rapid public earthquake information? Listen to eyewitnesses!

“I set the area of interest, and then tried to adjust the magnitude threshold. Either the threshold was too high and I did not get information for the earthquakes that I felt, or it was too low and I got tens of notifications a day for earthquakes that nobody noticed. I deleted all earthquakes apps.”

Raspberry Pi-powered boom sensor: Detect earthquakes, H-bombs, SpaceX launches

“Raspberry Shake, the maker of an eponymous Raspberry Pi-based seismograph, has launched a new sensor that can pick up inaudible sound waves from earthquakes, landslides, or even the next SpaceX launch.”

Rapid City Museum Adds Interactive Exhibit That Measures Movement In Real-Time

“The museum is installing a hand-sized seismometer box called Raspberry Shake, which will be at the center of a new interactive exhibit allowing guests to jump up and down on the floor and see the seismic waves they create in real-time on a monitor.”

Baillet Latour Laureate Recounts Her First Field Season in Antarctica

“Dr. Kate Winter of Northumbria University in the UK is the 2018-2020 laureate of the prestigious Baillet Latour Antarctica Fellowship.”

Recordings From An Eq1 & Raspberry Shake Seismographs

“COMPARING TECHNOLOGY: Recorded in the past hour, shown are two Indonesian earthquakes recorded on an EQ1 and Raspberry Shake seismographs.”

Engaging Citizen Seismologists Worldwide

“Most of what we know about Earth’s structure, dynamics, hazards, resources and exploration for raw materials comes from seismology.”

Citizen Science in the Classroom: Raspberry Shake

“In the November/December 2018 issue of Science Scope, Raspberry Shake is the featured citizen science project. The issue’s theme focused on the science concepts of motion and stability.”

These 5 moments made Michigan Stadium shake the most in 2018

“What do fans inside Michigan Stadium go nuts for more than a perfect fade route toss from Shea Patterson, a vicious sack from Devin Bush or a breakaway run from Karan Higdon?”

I feel the Earth move under my feet (in Michigan)

“The University of Michigan is home to the largest stadium in the USA (the second-largest in the world!). So what better place to test for spectator-induced seismic activity than The Big House?”

Antrim man to record sound data on Antrim Wind project

“An Antrim resident is installing a device on his property that will allow him to continuously monitor low-frequency sound waves generated at Antrim Wind Energy’s wind turbine installation when it goes live.”

Working seismograph on display at Lawton Public Library

“It’s a way to educate the public about earthquakes and seismographs and just to learn a little bit more about how the earth moves and a little bit about geology. It’s informational and educational and entertaining all at the same time.”

A revolution in seismic detection technology is underway

“Each of these novel ground motion sensor networks provide incredible opportunities for recording rich datasets with which to study the movement of waves through the Earth.”

Desktop seismology: How a maker-inspired device is changing seismic monitoring

“It turns out that a seismograph smaller than a box of tissues has become a very useful tool for scientists and educators alike.”

Join the network and read the ShakeLetter!