A Community Raspberry Shake Network around Santa Ana Volcano in El Salvador Abi2024-08-26T14:42:02+00:00August 26th, 2024|Categories: Community, Education, RS Projects|Tags: earth science, El Salvador, hands-on experience, raspberry pi science, Raspberry Shake, RaspiShake, real science, real-time data, Santa Ana Volcano, science teacher, science to life, Seismic Network, seismograph, seismology, stem education, stem learning, stem teacher, teach stem, Thomas Goebel, Universidad de El Salvador, University of El Salvador, University of Memphis|
Earthquake Interruption: A Live Data Lesson with the Raspberry Shake and Boom Abi2024-09-08T14:10:16+00:00July 1st, 2024|Categories: Community, Education, Seismology in Schools|Tags: Argostoli, earth science, hands-on experience, raspberry pi science, Raspberry Shake, RaspiShake, real science, real-time data, science teacher, science to life, seismograph, seismology, stem education, stem learning, stem teacher, teach stem|
Bringing Real Science, Seismology and STEM to the Classroom Abi2024-04-10T20:33:11+00:00April 10th, 2024|Categories: Community, Education|Tags: earth science, hands-on experience, raspberry pi science, Raspberry Shake, RaspiShake, real science, real-time data, science teacher, science to life, seismograph, seismology, stem education, stem learning, stem teacher, teach stem|
How I Built a 3D Printed Enclosure for My Raspberry Shake Abi2023-09-21T14:28:09+00:00September 18th, 2023|Categories: Community, RS Projects|Tags: 3d print, 3d printed enclosure, barret epp, Raspberry Shake, raspberry shake enclosure, RaspiShake|
The New StationView: Reimagined Design and Advanced Functionality Abi2023-11-30T11:31:23+00:00July 28th, 2023|Categories: Community, Software|Tags: Beyond your device, New StationView, New SV, Raspberry Shake, RaspiShake, Software Ecosystem, Station View, StationView, SV|
Beyond the Device: Exploring the Raspberry Shake Software Ecosystem Abi2023-04-14T13:41:21+00:00April 13th, 2023|Categories: Community, Software|Tags: Beyond your device, DataView, Raspberry Shake, RaspiShake, ShakeNet App, Software Ecosystem, Station View|
From Data to Discovery: How Raspberry Shake is Empowering Open Science Abi2023-03-02T18:38:04+00:00March 6th, 2023|Categories: Community|Tags: Nasa Open Science Year, Open Science, Raspberry Shake|
Uruguay becomes earthquake aware with Raspberry Shakes Abi2023-03-23T20:15:27+00:00December 19th, 2022|Categories: Community|Tags: Observatorio GeofĂsico del Uruguay, OGU, Raspberry Shake, RaspiShake, Uruguay|
DataView: Official Release of our Advanced Data Visualization Tool Abi2022-12-05T17:23:58+00:00December 5th, 2022|Categories: Community, Software, Updates|Tags: Applications, Community, DataView, Raspberry Shake, Updates|
Raspberry Shakes And Booms Record The Darndest Things Mike2022-07-06T19:34:37+00:00July 6th, 2022|Categories: Community, RS Projects|Tags: Applications, Education, Helicopters, RS-1D, RS-4D, RS&BOOM, seismometer|