Good vibrations: Michigan Shake project measures crowd response during U-M home football games Mike2025-02-14T18:51:33+00:00October 16th, 2018|Categories: Seismology in Schools, Special Use Cases|Tags: Applications, Education, RS-1D, Sports|
Weston Observatory in Massachusetts Gets SHAKING Javier2025-02-14T18:52:37+00:00October 3rd, 2018|Categories: Professional Seismic Networks, Seismology in Schools|Tags: Applications, Education, RS-1D, Sports, Storms|
Airwolf in Brittany as RS detects helicopters Javier2025-02-14T18:53:04+00:00October 3rd, 2018|Categories: Surprising Use Cases|Tags: Applications, R-BOOM, RS-1D, Station View|
Update ver.13 released Javier2025-02-14T18:54:22+00:00July 11th, 2018|Categories: Software Updates|Tags: Applications, R-BOOM, RS-1D, RS-3D, RS-4D, RS&BOOM|
Software update ver.12 released! Javier2025-02-14T18:56:11+00:00May 6th, 2018|Categories: Software Updates|Tags: Applications, R-BOOM, RS-1D, RS-3D, RS-4D, RS&BOOM|
Software update ver.11 released! Javier2025-02-14T18:56:27+00:00April 18th, 2018|Categories: Software Updates|Tags: Applications, R-BOOM, RS-1D, RS-3D, RS-4D, RS&BOOM|
Update 0.10 released. Includes GPS option. Javier2025-02-14T18:57:05+00:00February 10th, 2018|Categories: Software Updates|Tags: Applications, R-BOOM, RS-1D, RS-3D, RS-4D, RS&BOOM|
Software update 0.9 released and MUCH more! Javier2025-02-14T18:58:05+00:00February 10th, 2018|Categories: Software Updates|Tags: Applications, R-BOOM, RS-1D, RS-3D, RS-4D, RS&BOOM|
RS Earthquake solutions and map now online! Javier2025-02-14T18:58:31+00:00January 26th, 2018|Categories: Software Updates|Tags: Applications, RS-1D, RS-3D, RS-4D|